High Quality Vending Machines
Holds 337 Snacks & Beverages
Healthy Snacks- 21
Healthy Drinks- 8
Consumes on average half as much energy as most outdated machines
Accepts all payment types, including:
Cash (Traditional Vending)
Credit Card, and Google/Apple Pay
ADA compliant
Machine dimensions:
Height: 72 inches (6 ft.)
Width: 36 inches (3 ft.)
Depth: 28 inches ​
110-120VAC | 60 Hz - 4.5A
Front ventilated and can be installed flush to the wall.
Independent snack and drink compartments allow us to place refrigerated and non-refrigerated items in the same machine
• Credit/Debit Card Reader
• $1, $5, $10 & $20 bill acceptor/stacker
• Coinco coin changer
• Pricing from .05¢ to $99.95
• Easy-touch 20-button keypad
• Individual electronic pricing for each selection
• Computerized cash, vend & sales record
• Customer-friendly LCD display
Fully Electronic Payment/Media Console
Now You Can Provide High-Demand, Name-Brand Healthy Products That Everyone Will Appreciate!
High-Capacity Product Centers âž” Holds Up To 337 Products
Credit/Debit Card Capability âž” For Ease & Convenience!
Remote Machine Monitoring âž” Ensures Timely Service!
LED Illuminated Product Windows âž” Well Lit During The Evening!
CFC Free Modular Cooling System âž” Environmentally Safe; Electrically Efficient!